State Regent's Project
Susanna Dickinson-Hanning Museum Restoration
About Susanna
About the Museum
From the museum website:
"The Joseph & Susanna Dickinson Hanning Museum is located right in the middle of downtown Austin, but still a hidden gem. This place was the home of Susanna Dickinson, who was one of the two survivors of the Battle of Alamo, the second being her little daughter. This rubble rock-style house provides one a good
glimpse into her life after the battle, where she settled with her fifth husband. There are other artifacts relating to local Texan history, as well as temporary exhibitions on different subjects."
"The Joseph & Susanna Dickinson Hanning Museum is located right in the middle of downtown Austin, but still a hidden gem. This place was the home of Susanna Dickinson, who was one of the two survivors of the Battle of Alamo, the second being her little daughter. This rubble rock-style house provides one a good
glimpse into her life after the battle, where she settled with her fifth husband. There are other artifacts relating to local Texan history, as well as temporary exhibitions on different subjects."
Hours of Operation:
Wednesday-Sunday noon- 5 PM
Free Admission
Wednesday-Sunday noon- 5 PM
Free Admission
For this State Project, our State Regent will be selling State Name Badges to raise funds to help maintain and update the museum. The pins will have the state emblem and the member's name on them. The pins can be worn at chapter, state, and national DAC events as well as local genealogical events. The order form is below. For more information, contact our State Regent or State Regent's Project Chair.

state_regents_project_order_form.pdf |