State Officer Roles
State Regent: The State Regent shall be the executive officer and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the TSSDAC. She shall approve and sign all contracts regarding the TSSDAC. She shall preside at all meetings of the State Assembly, the State Board, the State Executive Committee, and any special meetings of the TSSDAC.
State First Vice Regent: In the absence or inability of the State Regent, the State First Vice Regent shall perform the duties of the office of State Regent and shall perform any other duties designated by the State Regent. The State First Vice Regent shall act as alternate for the State Regent at all meetings of the State and National Societies. She shall insure that protocol is followed.
State Second Vice Regent: The State Second Vice Regent shall assist in the organization of new chapters and promote membership growth in the chapters. In the absence of the State Regent and the State First Vice Regent, the State Second Vice Regent shall perform the duties of the State Regent. She shall be in charge of producing the TSSDAC Yearbook at the end of her term.
State Chaplain: The State Chaplain shall offer scripture and prayer at the meetings of the TSSDAC and shall conduct such religious services as occasion may require. She shall receive reports of deaths from the Chapter Chaplains and shall send notes of sympathy to the families of recently deceased members when possible. At each State Assembly she shall conduct a Memorial Service for all TSSDAC members in good standing who have died during the year. She shall report all deaths immediately to the National Chaplain using the Necrology Form provided by the National Society.
State Recording Secretary: The State Recording Secretary shall record and be custodian of the minutes of the meetings of the State Assembly, State Board, and State Executive Committee. Following each meeting of the State Assembly and the State Board, she shall distribute minutes of the meeting within eight (8) weeks to the members of the State Board and the State Committee Chairmen.
State Corresponding Secretary: The State Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Texas State Society. She shall send notices of the State Society meetings and membership changes, and shall send all membership changes to the State Board and National Headquarters. In an election year, the names of candidates for office shall be listed in the Call to the State Assembly.
State Registrar: The State Registrar shall keep a card file (digital format acceptable) of the membership in the TSSDAC, including the names, addresses, dates of admission, national numbers, names and colonies of ancestors (original and supplemental), and chapters to which the members belong; and shall keep a file of the lineage papers of former members from disbanded chapters in the TSSDAC.
State Treasurer: The State Treasurer shall receive all dues and other funds of the TSSDAC and shall deposit them, in the name of the TSSDAC, in one or more banks or financial institutions that the State Board shall approve.
State Historian: The State Historian shall keep a record of historical activities of the TSSDAC and its chapters and shall prepare a State Historian's Book of news clippings, photographs, and other memorabilia of the TSSDAC and its chapters. She shall promote the National Historian's Project.
State Librarian: The State Librarian shall encourage the chapters of the TSSDAC to contribute gifts of money and appropriate books and manuscripts to the National Society Library. She shall keep an accurate record of the TSSDAC books and materials, and the location of their storage.
State First Vice Regent: In the absence or inability of the State Regent, the State First Vice Regent shall perform the duties of the office of State Regent and shall perform any other duties designated by the State Regent. The State First Vice Regent shall act as alternate for the State Regent at all meetings of the State and National Societies. She shall insure that protocol is followed.
State Second Vice Regent: The State Second Vice Regent shall assist in the organization of new chapters and promote membership growth in the chapters. In the absence of the State Regent and the State First Vice Regent, the State Second Vice Regent shall perform the duties of the State Regent. She shall be in charge of producing the TSSDAC Yearbook at the end of her term.
State Chaplain: The State Chaplain shall offer scripture and prayer at the meetings of the TSSDAC and shall conduct such religious services as occasion may require. She shall receive reports of deaths from the Chapter Chaplains and shall send notes of sympathy to the families of recently deceased members when possible. At each State Assembly she shall conduct a Memorial Service for all TSSDAC members in good standing who have died during the year. She shall report all deaths immediately to the National Chaplain using the Necrology Form provided by the National Society.
State Recording Secretary: The State Recording Secretary shall record and be custodian of the minutes of the meetings of the State Assembly, State Board, and State Executive Committee. Following each meeting of the State Assembly and the State Board, she shall distribute minutes of the meeting within eight (8) weeks to the members of the State Board and the State Committee Chairmen.
State Corresponding Secretary: The State Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Texas State Society. She shall send notices of the State Society meetings and membership changes, and shall send all membership changes to the State Board and National Headquarters. In an election year, the names of candidates for office shall be listed in the Call to the State Assembly.
State Registrar: The State Registrar shall keep a card file (digital format acceptable) of the membership in the TSSDAC, including the names, addresses, dates of admission, national numbers, names and colonies of ancestors (original and supplemental), and chapters to which the members belong; and shall keep a file of the lineage papers of former members from disbanded chapters in the TSSDAC.
State Treasurer: The State Treasurer shall receive all dues and other funds of the TSSDAC and shall deposit them, in the name of the TSSDAC, in one or more banks or financial institutions that the State Board shall approve.
State Historian: The State Historian shall keep a record of historical activities of the TSSDAC and its chapters and shall prepare a State Historian's Book of news clippings, photographs, and other memorabilia of the TSSDAC and its chapters. She shall promote the National Historian's Project.
State Librarian: The State Librarian shall encourage the chapters of the TSSDAC to contribute gifts of money and appropriate books and manuscripts to the National Society Library. She shall keep an accurate record of the TSSDAC books and materials, and the location of their storage.